Tamlite Potters Leisure Resort sports LED lighting case study header

Potters Leisure Resort, Great Yarmouth

Potters Leisure Resort in Great Yarmouth is home to the prestigious World Indoor Bowls Championships.

It has upgraded the lighting to its high-profile bowling venue using the latest energy efficient technology from Tamlite. Previously, the lighting for this important event was inadequate, and there were issues with glare causing discomfort to the spectators.

Tamlite redesigned the lighting using the Firestar Micro LED. They used these in the large, newly refurbished reception area. The TBX energy efficient battens with highly polished louvres were chosen to cut down on the glare.

Modular fittings were also specified to help boost the lux level. This was due to the TV and media companies requiring 1000 lux for broadcasting. Both Potters Leisure and all the media companies reported that they were more than happy with the results. The tournament was broadcast live on the BBC!

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  • Tamlite Potters Leisure Resort Great Yarmouth sports LED lighting
  • Tamlite Potters Leisure Resort bowling alley LED lighting
  • Tamlite Potters Leisure Resort sports hall LED lighting
  • Tamlite Potters Leisure Resort Great Yarmouth gym area LED lighting
  • Tamlite Potters Leisure Resort sports hall seating area LED lighting
What we used
What We Used