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Track & spots

Track and spot lighting offers ideal options when multiple demands must be met in a restricted space and when flexibility is essential.

LED track lighting can be a brilliant solution for applications such as retail, where lighting may have to be repositioned to highlight ever changing displays. LEDs also offer significant advantages over other systems. LED lights last longer and are much more energy efficient so that they cost a fraction of the price of halogens to run. And, since they give off little to no heat, they do not add to the ambient temperature, which is particularly important for the commercial track lighting systems used in shops and offices. Read More ...

Spotlights can be mounted in the ceiling or on the wall and are a smart and flexible way to address lighting needs since their beams can be easily directed onto a particular space or object you wish to illuminate. A spotlight is quite simply a wall or ceiling light with the ability to tilt or rotate to suit your specific requirements at any given time. So, when you want a move around, you can reposition the lighting too and put something distinct into focus.

Tamlite Track and Spot luminaires are supplied with single or 3 circuit track adapters to help provide seamless integration during specification and installation and to also ensure a uniform look and style in the application area.


Cylindrical Track-Mounted Spotlight

IK087 Years Warranty2 Years On-Site Warranty (T&C`s Apply)Vision ConnectVision Air


Slimline Track-Mounted Spotlight

5 Years Warranty2 Years On-Site Warranty (T&C`s Apply)